Nexus Health Pty Ltd ABN 90613761470

My Account

Medical Practitioners

The Roost is available through selected Primary Health Practitioners who actively use and recommend The Roost Laptop Stand in Australia.

For information on how to become a Practitioner Partner, please complete the form at the very bottom of this page or send us an email.

In the meantime here is some more relevant information

Quality Manufacturing

The Roost is manufactured using high-precision industrial capabilities common to automotive industries, including laser cutting and depth-etching, thin layered carbon fibre riveting, Mil-Spec ceramic coatings and Type-III hard anodizing.

Product Management

You have access to general as well as technical information about the product with the assistance of professional and trained Sales & Support staff.

Customer Service

Our Customer Service Team is committed to provide you with the level of service and support you expect from a medical device distributor.

Marketing Services

We can tailor make and design marketing material to assist in promotional and education purposes.

Account Management

We have a dedicated Business Development team in Sydney & Melbourne ready and trained to offer pre and post order support.


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